Merced County Events

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Calvary Chapel Merced

Calvary Chapel Merced

Calvary Chapel of Merced is a fellowship of people who seek to live lives that are pleasing to God, so we focus on understanding and applying  what God has revealed to us through His Word, the Bible.

Our dress is casual, but our hearts are earnest.  Our worship is simple and contemporary with some hymns from time to time.

Our fellowship strives to be as much like a family as we can, accepting one another, loving one another, and encouraging one another to not settle for less than God’s best.

We’d love to have you join us in worshiping God!

We meet at 1345 East Olive Avenue, Merced.


For more information

To learn more about our church:


church office at 209-722-9948.

You can also listen to sermons online.